I have over 25 years of experience treating emotional issues. For much of that time, I was a licensed psychologist and a certified psychoanalyst who practiced from a Contemporary Relational model.
I am now a coach certified in Emotional Intelligence. I am also the author of No More Mr. Nice Guy: The Hero's Journey - A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming an Integrated Male.
I specialize in a variety of issues, including:
Raising your emotional intelligence
Making good decisions
Reinventing yourself
Integrated manhood
I have a private practice in Los Angeles, CA.
I believe that at the heart of most, if not all, life problems stem from feelings that are experienced as unbearable, so they are replaced by oversimplified approaches that don't work in the real world. The solution is to re-integrate your feelings, which will provide a greater sense of freedom, effectiveness, and aliveness. To do so, I utilize emotionally oriented, deep focus that gets directly to the root of problems, rather than focusing on simply solving short problems which will only come back again. Our goal is effective change that lasts.
I am also a recovering Nice Guy. In addition to my personal work in this area, since 2012, I have been helping Nice Guys find their way to greater confidence and masculinity.
If you are interested, feel free to schedule a free initial consultation.
Professional Experience:
Degrees and Certifications:
Files coming soon.